Club des Possesseurs du Jurassic Park (Stern)

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Flipper concerné :

Jurassic Park (PRO)
Stern, 2019
(lié par : Leveeger)
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Re: Club des Possesseurs du Jurassic Park (Stern)

Message par myredo » jeu. 02 11, 2023 20:29

Alors j'ai lancé une partie avec la tête du T-Rex activé, puis en la désactivant en cours de partie, les phénomènes de déclenchement inopinés de séquences de jeu et des bonus ne se reproduisent pas.

Je vais refaire quelques parties pour confirmer, mais a priori lorsque le T-Rex est désactivé, plus de problème.

Pour compléter le problème au démarrage au bout de 30s, en plus du MAP et du C et H, on entend clairement un contact au niveau de la tête, et le jeu indique également que j'ai enclenché quelque chose (Supply(?) Plan lit)

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Re: Club des Possesseurs du Jurassic Park (Stern)

Message par myredo » ven. 03 11, 2023 11:05

Encore quelques précisions, après de nouveaux tests:

lors de l'activation du MAP, la voix dit "Advanced paddock" et non "Supply Plan"

Sinon, je confirme:
partie avec tete de T-rex désactivé > aucun souci
partie avec tete de T-rex activé puis désactivé > plus de problème à partir du moment ou désactivé.
partie avec tête de T-rex activé > symptomes habituels, avec un phénomène systématique : si je tape la jeep pour activer le T-Rex, lors de la dernière frappe qui est sensé faire ouvrir la gueule du T-rex, cela active automatiquement la séquence.

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Re: Club des Possesseurs du Jurassic Park (Stern)

Message par Overcrash » ven. 03 11, 2023 15:09

Tu as essayé de switch les deux cartes node ?

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Re: Club des Possesseurs du Jurassic Park (Stern)

Message par myredo » ven. 03 11, 2023 17:07

Non pas encore mais c'est une piste que je vais exploiter.
J'attends également le retour de Stern (je copierai leur réponse le cas échéant pour info) avant de le faire.

On m'a également parlé de la petite carte sur laquelle est branché le TRex (celle qui est inaccessible si on sort pas le plateau car derrière le plateau de jeu.. une piste potentielle a votre avis?

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Re: Club des Possesseurs du Jurassic Park (Stern)

Message par myredo » ven. 03 11, 2023 17:54

Support STERN réactif!
ci-dessous l'échange par mail. Pour la documentation et les 2 schémas, je les ai si ça intéresse du monde..

for several weeks, when I start a game, the M-A-P is systematically activated after 30 seconds, and validates the C and H of CHAOS, even if I don't launch the ball.
This only happens for the first player's 1st ball. Then, during the game, the T-rex multiball throws itself several times for no reason, regardless of the player or the ball.

The raptor gate sometimes only opens halfway. I reset the pinball and upgrade to the last version, 1.12 and 1.12 30th anniversary, both didn't worked.

I checked all switches, they seem to be well, no error occured.

Please could you tell me what would have to do? which parts could be damaged?

"Good morning,

How long have you had this game for and has the SD card been updated for this game before? Has factory reset been done on this game?

From your description, it seems like the there might be a switch or switches that are staying active when they shouldn't and confusing the game to activate M-A-P. Not sure if you have done these tests yet but while you are in single switch test, try pounding on different parts of the pf to simulate game vibration. While you pound on the pf surface, do you notice any switch show up on the screen?

For the raptor gate, when you enter game specifics test and try to raise and drop the gate are you able to do so or does it also go half way? You can also enter coil test and activate ID#17 for the raptor gate to see if it will go up and down during this test"

"I have this game since 2021. I think I played approximately 1500 games.

As I specified, I did these actions before having written to you:
- complete factory reset of the pinball
- updated to the last version of the game with full update + verification
- check all switches with ball and fingers, no error occured.

then, I even created new SDcard with this site but it's the same observation.

I didn't notice any switch show up on the screen, when I pound the playfield, at least not that is weird... what kind of event should/could I see on the screen ?

I made more tests since I sent ma previous mail, as I will try describing to you below:

when I start a game without throwing the ball, with feature 362 activated (T-Rex Jaw enabled), the M-A-P is systematically activated after 30 seconds, and validates the C and H of CHAOS as I said previously. But if I deactivate the option (T-Rex Jaw disabled), I no longer have any problems. this action also works if I deactivate the option during the game.

Other thing, if I keep the feature enabled, when I complete the T-REX (4 shoots in the Jeep) during all the game, the challenge starts automatically, without me having to shoot in the mouth of the T-Rex.

I speficy that I did the tests in 2 modes: with and without shaker. it was the same result/observation for both modes.

Concerning the raptor gate, when I did the specific test, no problem to open or close the gate. I guess it's only due to the malfunction of the T-rex.

"When you pound on the playfield surface, you are simulating game vibration. This will usually trigger or bring up on the screen any switch that might be faulty or starting to fail. It will usually also show switches that are overly sensitive and just need to be adjusted. If nothing comes up after you have pounded on the playfield surface, it is then suggested to proceed with an ACT (active switch test) to see if this test will show on the screen any switch that is staying ON when it shouldn't. The ACT test is very good for opto sets or really hard to reach switches on the game.

If you perform the ACT test, please take a 20 second video of the test being performed and forward it to this email thread for evaluation.

In reference to what you mentioned about disabling the T-Rex jaw and having the issue go away, there is an opto board on the under side of the T-Rex jaw. What I have seen before is that one of the wires for this board will break off and cause the T-rex head to move sporadically. You can also see on the manual that the raptor pit is also runs off the same connector that controls the T-Rex jaw (CN8 on node board 9). If possible, I would suggest to remove the T-rex jaw so you could check if there are any broken wires on the opto board under it. I have attached a PDF file that will guide you on how to remove the T-rex assembly so you can have access to the T-rex jaw opto board. If all is good on the T-rex jaw opto board, the opto receiver board is on the T-rex head. Please check that the board also has no broken or de-soldered wires.

"okay to test by pounding the PF. I didn't do the tests like this, only by touching with ball ar finger, not by shaking. i will do!
For the ACT, is there a specific menu? I didn't see it...

As I remember, when i move lateraly the T-Rex it might active a switch. But as I anderstand, it should not be?
there is only one switch in the head : the opto inside his mouth, isn't it?.

Many thanks for the documentation, I will check this quickly, ans if possible taking video fot ACT

"The ACT test is right next to the SW switch test under Diagnostics. Also the mouth switch is the only one on the T-Rex assembly whose location is demonstrated on the pictures.
I do suggest to take a look at the opto board under the T-rex mouth or if you are able to locate its connector for the harness, disconnect it and see if the error goes away.
If the error goes away when the harness for the jaw opto board is disconnected, this is letting us know were the issue is at."

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Re: Club des Possesseurs du Jurassic Park (Stern)

Message par Dan64420 » lun. 06 11, 2023 12:11

myredo a écrit :
ven. 03 11, 2023 17:54
Support STERN réactif!
ci-dessous l'échange par mail. Pour la documentation et les 2 schémas, je les ai si ça intéresse du monde..
Holà! Je suis intéressé. Dispo en mp.


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Re: Club des Possesseurs du Jurassic Park (Stern)

Message par myredo » mar. 07 11, 2023 07:03

Dan64420 a écrit :
lun. 06 11, 2023 12:11
myredo a écrit :
ven. 03 11, 2023 17:54
Support STERN réactif!
ci-dessous l'échange par mail. Pour la documentation et les 2 schémas, je les ai si ça intéresse du monde..
Holà! Je suis intéressé. Dispo en mp.


J'ai essayé de t'envoyer un MP, le message reste dans la boîte d'envoi.. tu peux essayer de ton côté ?

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Re: Club des Possesseurs du Jurassic Park (Stern)

Message par STEVE » mer. 08 11, 2023 22:28


Content de voir que le support Stern est réactif.

Quelqu'un ici a installé la mise à jour 30th sur un premium ? Si oui elle apporte quelque chose face à la version standard ou c'est juste que Stern était obligé de nommer flip pour signaler la mise à jour au proprios ?
Actuel : Halloween CE-Godzilla pro
J'ai eu : JP, Alien, Mando, AIQ, Elvira, XMEN-POTC-IJ4-BATMAN-Spiderman-T3-Roller Coaster- Striker extreme-Roadshow-PINBALL MAGIC- TZ -ID4-No Fear- Dracula- FT-Junk Yard-Indiana 500-STTNG-TOMMY-LW3-TFTC-RR- SW Data-CFTBL-Flintstone-007-Funhouse-Higt speed-Viking.

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Re: Club des Possesseurs du Jurassic Park (Stern)

Message par myredo » jeu. 09 11, 2023 09:11

Yep je l'ai faite, pas vu de changement.
Après faut peut être aller plus loin que moi dans le game 😀

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Re: Club des Possesseurs du Jurassic Park (Stern)

Message par STEVE » jeu. 09 11, 2023 13:41

myredo a écrit :
jeu. 09 11, 2023 09:11
Yep je l'ai faite, pas vu de changement.
Après faut peut être aller plus loin que moi dans le game 😀
Merci pour ta réponse, je pense qu'il n'y a pas de différence c'est juste qu'ils sont obligés de nommer le flip :,):

Une version officielle avec extrait du film aurait été le top du top :D:
Actuel : Halloween CE-Godzilla pro
J'ai eu : JP, Alien, Mando, AIQ, Elvira, XMEN-POTC-IJ4-BATMAN-Spiderman-T3-Roller Coaster- Striker extreme-Roadshow-PINBALL MAGIC- TZ -ID4-No Fear- Dracula- FT-Junk Yard-Indiana 500-STTNG-TOMMY-LW3-TFTC-RR- SW Data-CFTBL-Flintstone-007-Funhouse-Higt speed-Viking.
