jurassic park (stern 2019)

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Ch'ti Franck
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Re: jurassic park (stern 2019)

Message par Ch'ti Franck » lun. 09 09, 2019 11:36

Deadpool et JP sont vraiment tous les 2 de bons flippers.
Le thème deadpool est marrant avec une belle combo de tirs avec la rampe du lock.
D un autre cot le JP innove avec des tirs jamais vus comme le heliport a droite... perso j aime les loops donc en haut c est un plaisir.
Mais j aime tellement le JP que je vote JP

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Re: jurassic park (stern 2019)

Message par jb » lun. 09 09, 2019 14:28

un certain vendeur... avait dit que les jurassic park arrivaient a partir de la deuxieme semaine d'aout et pour l'instant,il me semble qu'ils ne soient pas arrivés? :idea:

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Re: jurassic park (stern 2019)

Message par MattMk1 » lun. 09 09, 2019 16:40

@stephflipp " le marché du flip aujourd'hui est clairement soutenu par les mecs de 50 piges "

je pense que la moyenne a bien baissé

pour les arrivages de JP c'est vers le 12 septembre chez Avranches

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Re: jurassic park (stern 2019)

Message par Yanflip » lun. 09 09, 2019 22:07

MattMk1 a écrit :
lun. 09 09, 2019 16:40
@stephflipp " le marché du flip aujourd'hui est clairement soutenu par les mecs de 50 piges "

je pense que la moyenne a bien baissé
VRAI ! 46 ans ici !!

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Re: jurassic park (stern 2019)

Message par jb » lun. 09 09, 2019 22:37

MattMk1 a écrit :
lun. 09 09, 2019 16:40
pour les arrivages de JP c'est vers le 12 septembre chez Avranches
donc il a encore dit de la merde et ils arriveront bien dans les delais prevus au depart....
c'etait etonnant qu'ils arrivent maxi plus vite que d'habitude....

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Re: jurassic park (stern 2019)

Message par HARD-FM » lun. 09 09, 2019 22:48

oui théoriquement vers mi septembre , avec une première fournée dont on ne sait pas la qualité des plateaux par rapport aux premières séries livré aux usa.
y'en a qui ont passé commande ou pas ? :roll:

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Re: jurassic park (stern 2019)

Message par Salem666 » mar. 10 09, 2019 06:25

Ils sont déjà arrivé en Belgique pourtant...

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Re: jurassic park (stern 2019)

Message par RipleYYY » mar. 10 09, 2019 09:31

Salem666 a écrit :
mar. 10 09, 2019 06:25
Ils sont déjà arrivé en Belgique pourtant...
sauf erreur de ma part, non, c'est aussi 2 flips arrivés par avion

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Re: jurassic park (stern 2019)

Message par jb » mar. 10 09, 2019 10:40

Salem666 a écrit :
mar. 10 09, 2019 06:25
Ils sont déjà arrivé en Belgique pourtant...
ils... c'est un par avion....

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Re: jurassic park (stern 2019)

Message par jb » mer. 11 09, 2019 23:35

comme une impression que la version 1.00 est tres loin d'etre sortie

V0.88.0 - September 11, 2019
- Bonus - timing for each category during the bonus countup is now at a fixed cadence
- Score Frame - adding 'Player X You're Up' text before ball is plunged
- Score Frame - updated score frame icons to new graphic style
- Raptor Tower - added sound effect when you combo a loop into the raptor tower
- Supply Drop / Super Supply Drop - display text now explains playfield X awards that are being given
- Super Supply Drop - now lights 2x playfield insert the same as the normal supply drop
- Raptor Locks - fixed an issue where raptor 'x gate hits left' video wouldn't end causing up post to stay up occasionally
- T-Rex Event Ready - light show with ramp flasher and left halfpipe spotlight is a quicker pulse
- All Modes - allow both flipper skip of all mode intros that hold the ball
- Feed T-Rex Hurry Up - floor of the award is set to 500K, min value is 20% of initial value
- Feed T-Rex Hurry Up - should not take time / value away when the ball is being returned to the player on the wireform (only happens when 'T-REX - SPELLOUT STARTS HURRYUP' set to NO)
- T-Rex Encounter - mode awards shows more details about multiplied values and where to shoot next
- T-Rex Rampage - changed base T-Rex award from 2M to 10M
- T-Rex Rampage - changed T-Rex award boost from 1M to 5M
- T-Rex Rampage - add scoring to 2X/3X shots of 500K
- System Boot - fixed an issue where the left loop wasn't lighting up to indicate a combo shot correctly
- King of the Island - allow start if the left ramp skill shot is no longer eligible, previously was not allowing until all skill shots were inactive
- King of the Island - T-Rex Event Ready no longer takes priority over King of the Island lit at the Left Ramp
- King of the Island - added current jackpot value and instructional text to display effect background
- King of the Island - fixing an issue where the jackpot value would be incremented too much for spinner, pop, and sling hits
- Super Spinner - fixed an issue with popup showing 'SUPER SPINNER 3X' when award is actually 'SUPER SPINNER 2X'
- Super Combos - fixed an issue where multiplier wasn't being applied properly
- Paddock Map - 'interactive CD-ROM' paddock intro can now be skipped by pressing both flippers
- Paddock Map - adding 'Set Trap' scoring (250K x number of paddocks), was always zero before
- Paddock Map - adding text to 'Helicopter Dispatched' award, scoring increased from 200K to (500K x number of paddocks)
- Paddock Map - added speech and lamp effect when dino insert lands on a shot with a rescue insert lit indicating staff member is in danger
- Paddock Map - fixed an issue with spinner perk text showing '+1X SUPER SPINNER' when award is actually '+2X SUPER SPINNER'
- Paddock Map - 'Dino Slowed' display effect instructional and scoring text added
- Extra Ball - changed extra ball consolation score from 10M to 15M and value is displayed on screen
- Action Button - fixed an issue where the action button would light up when any balls were kicked into the shooter lane
- Speech - added and replaced some callouts
- Diagnostics - fixed an issue where the shooter lane switch / auto launch would make sounds while in switch test
- Audits - fixed 'ESCAPE SAVES' which was reporting 0
- Audits - fixed '2X PLAYFIELD LIT' which was reporting 0
- Audits - fixed '2X PLAYFIELD STARTED' which was reporting 0

- Adjustment Changes:
- added adjustment 'START GAME FROM LOCKDOWN BUTTON', defaults to YES, competition defaults to NO, turn to NO to turn off starting games from lockdown button
- added adjustment 'T-REX THROW BALL ENABLED', defaults to YES, turn to NO to prevent T-Rex from throwing balls, will always drop to the wireform
- added adjustment 'FIRST PADDOCK TUTORIAL' - defaults to NO, set to YES to show tutorial video for first paddock, otherwise it shows "interactive CD-ROM" paddock intro
- added adjustment 'ESCAPE DIFFICULTY' - defaults to MEDIUM, competition defaults to HARD. EASY - Escape is active beginning of each ball, MEDIUM - Escape is active at beginning of first ball, HARD - Escape is only active by hitting the lit standup target

- System - Updated to V2.34
- Updated to nodeboard firmware v0.51.0

- Using LEFT+START to end a game during bonus count could leave game graphics
on screen while in attract mode. This has been corrected.
