Tournoi LNJF au Treport 2012

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Re: Tournoi LNJF au Treport 2012

Message par adamski » lun. 05 03, 2012 15:40

Ok Pierre-Tho,c'est un début de solution judicieux...sauf concernant ceux qui attendent le plus longtemps possible avant de débuter.Pas grave tout celà...mais on risque d'etre encore plus nombreux à se la jouer "stratégie-timing" l'an prochain.Encore merci à tous les bénévoles.

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Re: Tournoi LNJF au Treport 2012

Message par BroiduKrane » lun. 05 03, 2012 15:55

adamski a écrit :Ok Pierre-Tho,c'est un début de solution judicieux...sauf concernant ceux qui attendent le plus longtemps possible avant de débuter.Pas grave tout celà...mais on risque d'etre encore plus nombreux à se la jouer "stratégie-timing" l'an prochain.Encore merci à tous les bénévoles.
Ceux qui souhaitent attendre, pourront attendre, mais nous annoncerons une heure précise (avant démarrage du tournoi) de fin du 1er tour de qualif avec coupure électrique à la clé... ceux qui n'auront pas encore joué auront un ou des scores à "0" pour leurs parties non jouées.
Donc plus ils seront nombreux à vouloir attendre, plus ils auront de risque de ne pas finir leurs parties !
Cofondateur de la L.N.J.F : Ligue Nationale des Joueurs de Flipper INFOS--> LNJF.FR
Avant la LNJF (& Silverball) il n'y avait pas de tournoi en France, s'il y en a aujourd'hui... on sait d'où ça vient :,):

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Re: Tournoi LNJF au Treport 2012

Message par charlemagne » lun. 05 03, 2012 16:58

Il est possible aussi dans le règlement d'obliger les joueurs à jouer 3 parties minimum le matin et 2 l'après-midi. :x25:

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Ch'ti Franck
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Re: Tournoi LNJF au Treport 2012

Message par Ch'ti Franck » lun. 05 03, 2012 16:59

En effet on ne peut pas trop empécher cette stratégie de jeu qui fait qu l on regarde gentiment ce qui se passe ainsi que les scores et hop on y va mais faut aussi petre sur de pas se planter car le résultat est quasi immédiat.
Les qualifs auraient pu finir plus tot ca m aurait pas dérangé plus que ca (quoique ca laisse le temps de prendre l air et un jus de houblon avec les potes Belges)
Le systême de jeu le plus fun que j ai vu fut sans conteste le tournoi epc en Suisse (3h 15 de jeu non stop pour faire les meilleurs scores) il y avait de tout dans ce mode de tournoi, c' était un bonheur de jouer 3 h 15 non stop et de faire un max de high score sur une durée donnée.
EN tout cas félicitations à la ligue.

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Re: Tournoi LNJF au Treport 2012

Message par nicogoy » lun. 05 03, 2012 18:03

"Le systême de jeu le plus fun que j ai vu fut sans conteste le tournoi epc en Suisse (3h 15 de jeu non stop pour faire les meilleurs scores) il y avait de tout dans ce mode de tournoi, c' était un bonheur de jouer 3 h 15 non stop et de faire un max de high score sur une durée donnée."
en gros comme aau 24 H de ricco
sinon moi j'aime bien de pouvoir gerer mes parties
et le principe qui a ete fait lors de celui ci,soit a 16 H on coupe le courant a ete d'une grande eficaacité :-o:
le premier flip tu ne sais pas ou le mettre,les autres ........ bas tu les mets a coté du premiers mdr

actuellement a la maison; champion pub .circus (zaccaria) et bone buster ( en panne)

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Re: Tournoi LNJF au Treport 2012

Message par Lewis » lun. 05 03, 2012 18:33

Perso, je trouve que le système en face-to-face utilisé le Dimanche est nettement plus équitable...

Je sais que je vais soulever un lièvre et risque de me faire huer, mais le système usuel de se battre contre le score en qualif, privilégie davantage la stratégie et pas le jeu. J'ai déjà vu des joueurs s’arrêter en pleine partie, d'attendre que Poséidon affiche les résultats de la machine qui est jouée, pour enfin continuer... :roll:

Le mode par KO a au moins ce mérite qu'il désigne aléatoirement à la fois le flip, et les participants. Pas de surprise, pas de stratégie, tu dois t'adapter à ton adversaire mais tu peux aussi te faire sortir à n'importe quel moment. J'ai également entendu des participants exclure une machine de leur choix car il leur semblait impossible de rivaliser avec les scores de malade déjà réalisés. :shock:
Finalement cela nuit à l’intérêt que peuvent montrer des novices ou de simples curieux à rejoindre les tournois car ils se disent qu'il n'auront jamais aucune chance. Par conséquent, l'esprit fédérateur du mouvement est peut-être ainsi quelque peu terni ::x:

Mais bon, je le répète, c'est juste que mes impressions perso...

Quoiqu'il en soit, longue vie au Flip-expo et bravo aux organisateurs ! :x24: J'ai passé un super week-end ! Bravo également à tous ceux qui font le choix de ramener du flip malgré les contraintes et enfin à Pierre-tho et Nico, pour l'énergie et le temps qu'ils sacrifient pour nous permettre à tous de passer de bons moments ! :x26:
Power is in your hands !

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Re: Tournoi LNJF au Treport 2012

Message par PUSS IN BOOTS » mar. 06 03, 2012 08:57

Coucou, j ' espère que nous aurons bientôt les résultats complets des 2 tournois et photos . Un grand bravo pour l ' organisation et l ' ambiance . Fabrice .

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Re: Tournoi LNJF au Treport 2012

Message par nico193 » mar. 06 03, 2012 10:18

Merci à tous pour vos commentaires, nous allons effectivement réduire drastiquement les temps de qualif, nous en reparlerons lors du prochain tournoi.
Un énorme merci aux arbitres pour la saisie de plus de 500 scores sur les pda :#):

Merci également à flipjuke pour son soutien :x26:

La finale de samedi restera longtemps dans les mémoires, quel combat ! Y avait du niveau et du suspense, merci aux finalistes pour ce spectacle :x26:

Les résultats sont partis à l'IFPA, et à la ligue ce soir.

A noter qu'il y aura comme à chaque fois un reportage sur Pinball News, Martin Ayub a mitraillé :-%:

Quelques photos :
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Re: Tournoi LNJF au Treport 2012

Message par FlipAllier03 » mar. 06 03, 2012 11:33

Encore bravo a Silverball et la LNJF pour ce weekend c'était génial :x26:

Je voulais savoir s'il était possible comme y'a 2 ans, d'avoir la possibilité de consulter les scores sur chaque machine établie pendant le tournoi samedi sur le site de Silverball ou de la LNJF, ca pourrait être sympa ! :,):
: Changement de Pseudo : FlipAllier03, anciennement Kevmbami
: Rentrée d'un Stern neuf dans les prochains mois.
: Le retour des tournois pour 2023 avec très certainement le tournoi de Roumanie :))=:

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Re: Tournoi LNJF au Treport 2012

Message par nico193 » mer. 07 03, 2012 23:19

Les scores :

Peter Blakemore Andromeda (Game Plan) 1032020
Laurent Blin Andromeda (Game Plan) 854800
Florimont Boete Andromeda (Game Plan) 733950
Nicolas Linqué Andromeda (Game Plan) 727250
Phil Dixon Andromeda (Game Plan) 645010
Laurence Boulieu Andromeda (Game Plan) 641130
Nick Marshall Andromeda (Game Plan) 621460
Benoit Bloquet Andromeda (Game Plan) 521940
Will Barber Andromeda (Game Plan) 488460
Gérald Fleuriet Andromeda (Game Plan) 406220
Alfred Adamsky Andromeda (Game Plan) 320520
Harry Rolfe Andromeda (Game Plan) 293450
Loïc G. Andromeda (Game Plan) 251580
Philippe Diouron Andromeda (Game Plan) 237050
Fabien Baffault Andromeda (Game Plan) 205770
James Watson Andromeda (Game Plan) 194850
Franck Bona Andromeda (Game Plan) 181020
Vincent Carlier Andromeda (Game Plan) 165840
Christophe Magniez Andromeda (Game Plan) 147140
Theo Grevin Andromeda (Game Plan) 132810
Sylvain Carré Andromeda (Game Plan) 132310
Morgan Roger Andromeda (Game Plan) 130550
Eric Balavoine Andromeda (Game Plan) 127000
Cyril Bertat Andromeda (Game Plan) 122790
Denis Vaucelle Andromeda (Game Plan) 106960
Thomas Bougard Andromeda (Game Plan) 93950
Anne-lise Flandrois Andromeda (Game Plan) 93320
Kate Morris Andromeda (Game Plan) 87730
Cédric Cardon Andromeda (Game Plan) 71640
Hélène Caron Andromeda (Game Plan) 68200

Nicolas Gohier Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 5213448960
Pierre-thomas Colin Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 4499719090
Kevin Dorothé Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 4403405260
Sophie Adam Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 4216097410
Eric Rousseau Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 4126878870
Julien Geneslay Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 4060980530
James Watson Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 3570709040
Nathalie Bergs Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 2991894080
Vincent Chardome Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 2583927050
Jean-baptiste Briet Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 2556672930
Fabrice Lefevre Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 2489787060
David Grémillet Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 2079643630
Michel Souris Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1897003640
Fred Monchaux Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1838926140
Cédric Messier Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1501249610
Didier Laurent Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1449294390
Téo Souris Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1290437730
Fabien Baffault Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1077015260
Nicolas Grasset Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1064793120
Mehdy Hadibi Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1048150460
Christophe Mahieux Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 994021450
Tim Sourdille Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 928528840
Morgan Roger Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 908251180
Anne-lise Flandrois Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 899825010
Michel Rees Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 840923150
Yan Baratte Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 800669750
Stan Simpson Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 735384150
Philippe Bergs Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 728222210
Thibault Lallemand Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 594884130
Jérémy Reynaud Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 570894360
Clara Boulieu Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 513805190
Thomas Bougard Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 344944280
Cédric Cardon Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 343083340
Matheo Gohier Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 286840220
Lisa Spiller Attack from Mars (Midway Manufacturing Company) 254523490

Alfred Adamsky Congo (Williams Games) 961963500
Cyril Bertat Congo (Williams Games) 944567060
Mehdy Hadibi Congo (Williams Games) 787139160
Cédric Cardon Congo (Williams Games) 751049030
Jonathan Adams Congo (Williams Games) 746741920
Dylan Luquet Congo (Williams Games) 639512330
Franck Bona Congo (Williams Games) 428650330
Ad Jonker Congo (Williams Games) 416188670
Clément Carré Congo (Williams Games) 408289920
Ludovic Cardon Congo (Williams Games) 363230600
Thomas Hare Congo (Williams Games) 361557340
Baptiste Serais Congo (Williams Games) 360928230
Pierre-thomas Colin Congo (Williams Games) 285200210
Yan Baratte Congo (Williams Games) 239023530
Greg Mott Congo (Williams Games) 238806090
Rudy Flament Congo (Williams Games) 234004320
Djo Wozniak Congo (Williams Games) 213063070
Kevin Dorothé Congo (Williams Games) 208900360
Anne-lise Flandrois Congo (Williams Games) 161646440
Adam Bona Congo (Williams Games) 132585500
Matheo Gohier Congo (Williams Games) 71556170
Eric Andries Congo (Williams Games) 60241400
Pierre Aubert Congo (Williams Games) 57136430

Michel Souris Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 7792160
Philippe Diouron Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 7721210
Nicolas Linqué Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 7489850
Will Barber Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 6783010
Timothée Hulin-bouard Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 6216680
Nick Marshall Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 4051750
Thibault Lallemand Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 3643040
Tim Sourdille Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 2808630
Norman Ledigabel Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 2481120
Fabien Baffault Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 2098350
Julien Geneslay Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 2027410
Didier Laurent Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1477050
Nathalie Bergs Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1453650
Rémy Luquet Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1439500
Sylvain Grevin Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1331060
Sophie Adam Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1319450
Gérald Fleuriet Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1296720
Yan Baratte Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1231470
Téo Souris Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1221480
Chantal Diouron Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1129410
Dylan Luquet Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1071260
Eric Balavoine Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 902220
Denis Vaucelle Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 792670
Ad Jonker Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 786200
Elise Huart Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 747230
Aurélien Pavec Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 729350
Philippe Bergs Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 515350
Greg Mott Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 479310
Martine Regnault Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 409150
Hélène Caron Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 400320
Philippe Lejoseph Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 333140
Pierre-thomas Colin Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 321310
Cyril Bertat Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway Manufacturing Company) 145240

Tim Sourdille Fish Tales (Williams Games) 248188630
Gérald Fleuriet Fish Tales (Williams Games) 161590740
Djo Wozniak Fish Tales (Williams Games) 106153650
Martin Ayub Fish Tales (Williams Games) 84623420
Ludovic Houttemane Fish Tales (Williams Games) 80920310
Sylvain Grevin Fish Tales (Williams Games) 73234320
Nicolas Linqué Fish Tales (Williams Games) 65963180
Victor Machart Fish Tales (Williams Games) 60694760
Nick Marshall Fish Tales (Williams Games) 46679410
Archibald Lefevre Fish Tales (Williams Games) 46035270
Pierre Aubert Fish Tales (Williams Games) 43078320
Laurent Blin Fish Tales (Williams Games) 40035640
Morgan Roger Fish Tales (Williams Games) 39331390
Martine Regnault Fish Tales (Williams Games) 38937580
Nicolas Rees Fish Tales (Williams Games) 34777910
Stan Simpson Fish Tales (Williams Games) 32160350
Nathalie Bergs Fish Tales (Williams Games) 30398880
Thomas Hare Fish Tales (Williams Games) 30255880
Matheo Gohier Fish Tales (Williams Games) 27224740
Rémy De saint girons Fish Tales (Williams Games) 24370150
Jérémy Reynaud Fish Tales (Williams Games) 15327800
Johann Engrand Fish Tales (Williams Games) 10619140
Elise Huart Fish Tales (Williams Games) 10167370
Rudy Flament Fish Tales (Williams Games) 7959530
Paul Baffault Fish Tales (Williams Games) 5931040
Stéphane Pinck Fish Tales (Williams Games) 4734290
Fabrice Lefevre Fish Tales (Williams Games) 3314830

Philippe Bergs Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 20839981580
Franck Bona Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 4998717080
Julien Geneslay Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 4316892860
Fabrice Lefevre Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 3086488850
David Grémillet Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 2849296670
Archibald Lefevre Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 2448197370
Victor Machart Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 1341125830
Tim Sourdille Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 1255120430
Peter Blakemore Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 1165013760
Kevin Dorothé Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 1046219330
Gérald Fleuriet Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 946438020
Pierre-thomas Colin Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 821214220
Paul Baffault Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 816836970
Laurent Detrez Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 799108000
Rudy Flament Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 735106770
Kate Morris Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 722196520
Phil Dixon Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 674472250
Clara Boulieu Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 623101290
Vincent Chardome Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 384554060
Didier Laurent Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 360854070
Theo Grevin Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 339289880
Martine Regnault Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 308577650
Mickael Laurent Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 308037550
Julien Niceron Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 213354160
Johann Engrand Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 150159550
Pierre Aubert Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 83665140
Hélène Caron Johnny Mnemonic (Williams Games) 48018050

Rudy Flament Judge Dredd (Midway Manufacturing Company) 257003540
Martin Ayub Judge Dredd (Midway Manufacturing Company) 235371530
Thomas Hare Judge Dredd (Midway Manufacturing Company) 202601160
Peter Blakemore Judge Dredd (Midway Manufacturing Company) 166241120
Alain Boulieu Judge Dredd (Midway Manufacturing Company) 165712560
Stan Simpson Judge Dredd (Midway Manufacturing Company) 160556390
Baptiste Serais Judge Dredd (Midway Manufacturing Company) 144598930
Timothée Hulin-bouard Judge Dredd (Midway Manufacturing Company) 144455010
Laurence Boulieu Judge Dredd (Midway Manufacturing Company) 141591120
Rémy Luquet Judge Dredd (Midway Manufacturing Company) 116157830
Nicolas Grasset Judge Dredd (Midway Manufacturing Company) 107033330
Didier Laurent Judge Dredd (Midway Manufacturing Company) 106570650
Johann Engrand Judge Dredd (Midway Manufacturing Company) 105228020
Rémy De saint girons Judge Dredd (Midway Manufacturing Company) 87517710
Christophe Depiere Judge Dredd (Midway Manufacturing Company) 71726710
Nick Marshall Judge Dredd (Midway Manufacturing Company) 54197610
Phil Dixon Judge Dredd (Midway Manufacturing Company) 45532000
Jean-baptiste Briet Judge Dredd (Midway Manufacturing Company) 40870120
Cyril Bertat Judge Dredd (Midway Manufacturing Company) 29070070
Mickael Laurent Judge Dredd (Midway Manufacturing Company) 18219650

Jérémy Reynaud Junk Yard (Williams Games) 30646720
Vincent Fourcault Junk Yard (Williams Games) 29036160
Rudy Flament Junk Yard (Williams Games) 24225770
Ludovic Cardon Junk Yard (Williams Games) 13776720
Laurence Boulieu Junk Yard (Williams Games) 12135950
Alain Boulieu Junk Yard (Williams Games) 12065880
Kate Morris Junk Yard (Williams Games) 10393590
Cédric Messier Junk Yard (Williams Games) 9850470
Nicolas Gohier Junk Yard (Williams Games) 9624490
Clara Boulieu Junk Yard (Williams Games) 9290120
Pierre Aubert Junk Yard (Williams Games) 8329090
Vincent Stevens Junk Yard (Williams Games) 7697360
Lene Andersen Junk Yard (Williams Games) 7586850
Johann Engrand Junk Yard (Williams Games) 6100560
Yan Baratte Junk Yard (Williams Games) 5425130
Matheo Gohier Junk Yard (Williams Games) 5315080
Mickael Laurent Junk Yard (Williams Games) 4704250
Ludovic Houttemane Junk Yard (Williams Games) 4490800
Michel Rees Junk Yard (Williams Games) 4383070
Paul Baffault Junk Yard (Williams Games) 3451090
Adam Bona Junk Yard (Williams Games) 3443260
Christophe Depiere Junk Yard (Williams Games) 3409870
Timothée Hulin-bouard Junk Yard (Williams Games) 3083960
Djo Wozniak Junk Yard (Williams Games) 2924910
Thomas Bougard Junk Yard (Williams Games) 2857080
Christophe Mahieux Junk Yard (Williams Games) 2307180
Nicolas Linqué Junk Yard (Williams Games) 2258410
Laurent Blin Junk Yard (Williams Games) 2098630
James Watson Junk Yard (Williams Games) 1913640
Martine Regnault Junk Yard (Williams Games) 1836690
Lisa Spiller Junk Yard (Williams Games) 1677840
Jonathan Adams Junk Yard (Williams Games) 1299470
Michel Souris Junk Yard (Williams Games) 1171900
Cédric Cardon Junk Yard (Williams Games) 1143980
Victor Machart Junk Yard (Williams Games) 989300
Mehdy Hadibi Junk Yard (Williams Games) 937570
Gérald Fleuriet Junk Yard (Williams Games) 914620
Thibault Lallemand Junk Yard (Williams Games) 879290
Jerome Jeanjean Junk Yard (Williams Games) 736040
Téo Souris Junk Yard (Williams Games) 632640
Sylvain Grevin Junk Yard (Williams Games) 565020

Timothée Hulin-bouard Kings of Steel (Bally Midway Manufacturing Company) 11436560
Alain Boulieu Kings of Steel (Bally Midway Manufacturing Company) 10613750
Eric Rousseau Kings of Steel (Bally Midway Manufacturing Company) 2788580
Clara Boulieu Kings of Steel (Bally Midway Manufacturing Company) 1397670
Cyril Bertat Kings of Steel (Bally Midway Manufacturing Company) 1185860
Philippe Lejoseph Kings of Steel (Bally Midway Manufacturing Company) 1055380
Nicolas Gohier Kings of Steel (Bally Midway Manufacturing Company) 790560
Nicolas Rees Kings of Steel (Bally Midway Manufacturing Company) 766060
Clément Carré Kings of Steel (Bally Midway Manufacturing Company) 760080
Vincent Fourcault Kings of Steel (Bally Midway Manufacturing Company) 687090
Will Barber Kings of Steel (Bally Midway Manufacturing Company) 487680
Ad Jonker Kings of Steel (Bally Midway Manufacturing Company) 486400
Christophe Magniez Kings of Steel (Bally Midway Manufacturing Company) 398610
Lene Andersen Kings of Steel (Bally Midway Manufacturing Company) 397300
Rémy Luquet Kings of Steel (Bally Midway Manufacturing Company) 366610
Denis Vaucelle Kings of Steel (Bally Midway Manufacturing Company) 361600
Eric Balavoine Kings of Steel (Bally Midway Manufacturing Company) 350690
Christophe Depiere Kings of Steel (Bally Midway Manufacturing Company) 269460
Domonic Escott Kings of Steel (Bally Midway Manufacturing Company) 211280
Sylvain Grevin Kings of Steel (Bally Midway Manufacturing Company) 205030
Hélène Caron Kings of Steel (Bally Midway Manufacturing Company) 175770
Florimont Boete Kings of Steel (Bally Midway Manufacturing Company) 169900
Chantal Diouron Kings of Steel (Bally Midway Manufacturing Company) 128250

David Grémillet NBA Fastbreak (Midway Manufacturing Company) 172
Franck Bona NBA Fastbreak (Midway Manufacturing Company) 118
Stéphane Pinck NBA Fastbreak (Midway Manufacturing Company) 115
Julien Geneslay NBA Fastbreak (Midway Manufacturing Company) 113
Téo Souris NBA Fastbreak (Midway Manufacturing Company) 95
Sylvain Carré NBA Fastbreak (Midway Manufacturing Company) 89
Julien Niceron NBA Fastbreak (Midway Manufacturing Company) 81
Rémy Luquet NBA Fastbreak (Midway Manufacturing Company) 77
Sophie Adam NBA Fastbreak (Midway Manufacturing Company) 74
Jerome Jeanjean NBA Fastbreak (Midway Manufacturing Company) 72
Loïc G. NBA Fastbreak (Midway Manufacturing Company) 71
Eric Balavoine NBA Fastbreak (Midway Manufacturing Company) 69
Adam Bona NBA Fastbreak (Midway Manufacturing Company) 63
Dylan Luquet NBA Fastbreak (Midway Manufacturing Company) 62
Lisa Spiller NBA Fastbreak (Midway Manufacturing Company) 58
Vincent Stevens NBA Fastbreak (Midway Manufacturing Company) 48
Jonathan Adams NBA Fastbreak (Midway Manufacturing Company) 47
Vincent Carlier NBA Fastbreak (Midway Manufacturing Company) 43
Benoit Bloquet NBA Fastbreak (Midway Manufacturing Company) 41
Florimont Boete NBA Fastbreak (Midway Manufacturing Company) 38
Rémy De saint girons NBA Fastbreak (Midway Manufacturing Company) 27
Harry Rolfe NBA Fastbreak (Midway Manufacturing Company) 27

David Grémillet Pinball Magic (Capcom Coin-Op) 793201290
Lene Andersen Pinball Magic (Capcom Coin-Op) 335146390
Eric Rousseau Pinball Magic (Capcom Coin-Op) 293663950
Alain Boulieu Pinball Magic (Capcom Coin-Op) 203080320
Laurence Boulieu Pinball Magic (Capcom Coin-Op) 201801510
Clément Carré Pinball Magic (Capcom Coin-Op) 135354120
Aurélien Pavec Pinball Magic (Capcom Coin-Op) 126629690
Sophie Adam Pinball Magic (Capcom Coin-Op) 98578110
Philippe Lejoseph Pinball Magic (Capcom Coin-Op) 89433340
Fabrice Lefevre Pinball Magic (Capcom Coin-Op) 89051910
Ad Jonker Pinball Magic (Capcom Coin-Op) 71609170
Pierre Aubert Pinball Magic (Capcom Coin-Op) 70350940
Norman Ledigabel Pinball Magic (Capcom Coin-Op) 61763430
Thomas Bougard Pinball Magic (Capcom Coin-Op) 59994560
Jonathan Joosten Pinball Magic (Capcom Coin-Op) 50093610
Fabien Baffault Pinball Magic (Capcom Coin-Op) 40212090
Vincent Fourcault Pinball Magic (Capcom Coin-Op) 37608550
Nicolas Grasset Pinball Magic (Capcom Coin-Op) 33815560
Denis Vaucelle Pinball Magic (Capcom Coin-Op) 30816130
Benoit Bloquet Pinball Magic (Capcom Coin-Op) 16045550

Loïc G. Rolling Stones (Bally Manufacturing Corporation) 553470
Phil Dixon Rolling Stones (Bally Manufacturing Corporation) 218610
Christophe Magniez Rolling Stones (Bally Manufacturing Corporation) 198210
Denis Vaucelle Rolling Stones (Bally Manufacturing Corporation) 190280
Ludovic Cardon Rolling Stones (Bally Manufacturing Corporation) 173290
Thomas Bougard Rolling Stones (Bally Manufacturing Corporation) 167360
Jerome Jeanjean Rolling Stones (Bally Manufacturing Corporation) 151750
Philippe Diouron Rolling Stones (Bally Manufacturing Corporation) 140600
Will Barber Rolling Stones (Bally Manufacturing Corporation) 128020
Harry Rolfe Rolling Stones (Bally Manufacturing Corporation) 107270
Michel Souris Rolling Stones (Bally Manufacturing Corporation) 106950
Eric Balavoine Rolling Stones (Bally Manufacturing Corporation) 85850
James Watson Rolling Stones (Bally Manufacturing Corporation) 80630
Sylvain Carré Rolling Stones (Bally Manufacturing Corporation) 77760
Archibald Lefevre Rolling Stones (Bally Manufacturing Corporation) 77250
Kate Morris Rolling Stones (Bally Manufacturing Corporation) 76720
Julien Geneslay Rolling Stones (Bally Manufacturing Corporation) 71510
Thibault Lallemand Rolling Stones (Bally Manufacturing Corporation) 65260
Elise Huart Rolling Stones (Bally Manufacturing Corporation) 52960
Alfred Adamsky Rolling Stones (Bally Manufacturing Corporation) 43930
Lene Andersen Rolling Stones (Bally Manufacturing Corporation) 42930
Jonathan Joosten Rolling Stones (Bally Manufacturing Corporation) 42530
Laurent Blin Rolling Stones (Bally Manufacturing Corporation) 40700
Domonic Escott Rolling Stones (Bally Manufacturing Corporation) 39310
Djo Wozniak Rolling Stones (Bally Manufacturing Corporation) 35900
Chantal Diouron Rolling Stones (Bally Manufacturing Corporation) 31160

James Watson Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 10623870
Benoit Bloquet Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 10080600
Ludovic Cardon Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 9604020
Laurent Blin Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 9458300
Martin Ayub Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 9058910
Stan Simpson Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 8874170
Clara Boulieu Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 8292730
Jérémy Reynaud Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 8130520
Greg Mott Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 7888870
Ludovic Houttemane Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 7385830
Jonathan Adams Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 7352030
Julien Niceron Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 6642290
Eric Rousseau Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 6621700
Domonic Escott Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 5694550
Ad Jonker Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 5558510
Mehdy Hadibi Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 5189390
Didier Laurent Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 5001140
Michel Rees Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 4977560
Vincent Chardome Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 4939870
Kevin Dorothé Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 4218530
Jonathan Joosten Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 3922580
Aurélien Pavec Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 3421410
Clément Carré Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 3311840
Baptiste Serais Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 3194730
Elise Huart Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 2862800
Adam Bona Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 2432800
Chantal Diouron Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 2338290
Hélène Caron Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 2331650
Anne-lise Flandrois Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 2035660
Philippe Diouron Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 2006920
Cédric Messier Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1959600
Vincent Carlier Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1647950
Cédric Cardon Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1577050
Christophe Depiere Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1466850
Harry Rolfe Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1464360
Norman Ledigabel Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1366980
Thomas Hare Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1366300
Lisa Spiller Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1158100
Christophe Mahieux Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 1068610
Stéphane Pinck Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 809750
Jean-baptiste Briet Scared Stiff (Midway Manufacturing Company) 627630

Rémy Luquet Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 34001700
Peter Blakemore Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 15929200
Philippe Lejoseph Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 13707710
Christophe Mahieux Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 8942760
Philippe Bergs Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 7986910
Morgan Roger Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 6437010
Florimont Boete Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 5567020
Dylan Luquet Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 5558310
Eric Andries Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 5237860
Michel Souris Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 5228640
Ludovic Houttemane Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 5069130
Nathalie Bergs Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 4726340
Julien Niceron Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 4642710
Vincent Fourcault Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 4612060
Christophe Magniez Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 4447680
Vincent Carlier Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 4185520
Fabrice Lefevre Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 3944740
Thibault Lallemand Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 3584570
Djo Wozniak Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 3542470
Greg Mott Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 3449920
Martine Regnault Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 3137400
Mehdy Hadibi Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 2970620
Aurélien Pavec Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 2793280
Loïc G. Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 2367690
Laurent Detrez Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 2357050
Pierre-thomas Colin Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 2291210
Benoit Bloquet Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 2089220
Nicolas Grasset Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 1979690
Mickael Laurent Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 1895940
Christophe Depiere Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 1821080
Norman Ledigabel Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 1696350
Theo Grevin Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 1579800
Alfred Adamsky Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 1143930
Jerome Jeanjean Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 1072950
Nicolas Rees Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 1008900
Paul Baffault Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 791520
Phil Dixon Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 721120
Domonic Escott Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 509140
Jonathan Joosten Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 422130
Vincent Stevens Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams Games) 190270

Timothée Hulin-bouard The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams Games) 556231800
David Grémillet The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams Games) 346029310
Martin Ayub The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams Games) 236027640
Stéphane Pinck The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams Games) 205870360
Peter Blakemore The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams Games) 188360650
Victor Machart The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams Games) 152273180
Nick Marshall The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams Games) 134814510
Vincent Chardome The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams Games) 130841660
Eric Andries The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams Games) 100365710
Nicolas Linqué The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams Games) 89934890
Baptiste Serais The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams Games) 80724590
Theo Grevin The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams Games) 65135590
Laurent Detrez The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams Games) 45618830
Thomas Hare The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams Games) 42731240
Ludovic Cardon The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams Games) 42569510
Vincent Carlier The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams Games) 28582750
Tim Sourdille The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams Games) 28315250
Harry Rolfe The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams Games) 26022860
Téo Souris The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams Games) 23405190
Sylvain Grevin The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams Games) 21598860
Lene Andersen The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams Games) 15655160
Anne-lise Flandrois The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams Games) 14766150
Elise Huart The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams Games) 14700430
Franck Bona The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams Games) 11345340
Kate Morris The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams Games) 2743670

Archibald Lefevre The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern Pinball) 37785560
Martin Ayub The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern Pinball) 24865560
Cédric Messier The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern Pinball) 8424770
Eric Andries The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern Pinball) 8201650
Greg Mott The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern Pinball) 6346790
Florimont Boete The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern Pinball) 4823640
Jérémy Reynaud The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern Pinball) 4714950
Dylan Luquet The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern Pinball) 3924450
Stan Simpson The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern Pinball) 3496340
Nicolas Rees The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern Pinball) 3338590
Clément Carré The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern Pinball) 3309450
Jonathan Adams The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern Pinball) 3016700
Laurent Detrez The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern Pinball) 2621040
Christophe Magniez The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern Pinball) 2604960
Rémy De saint girons The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern Pinball) 2406690
Fabien Baffault The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern Pinball) 2189420
Eric Rousseau The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern Pinball) 2084960
Sylvain Carré The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern Pinball) 2005540
Philippe Bergs The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern Pinball) 1354720
Mickael Laurent The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern Pinball) 1315830
Nicolas Gohier The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern Pinball) 1220120
Adam Bona The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern Pinball) 1025310
Michel Rees The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern Pinball) 913440
Theo Grevin The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern Pinball) 744450
Vincent Stevens The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern Pinball) 639540

Nathalie Bergs Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 700632430
Yan Baratte Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 536837540
Laurent Detrez Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 531123690
Vincent Fourcault Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 440443820
Victor Machart Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 423853090
Domonic Escott Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 366989020
Stéphane Pinck Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 356891250
Nicolas Grasset Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 328620950
Nicolas Gohier Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 328370770
Sophie Adam Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 320082260
Jonathan Joosten Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 311842690
Nicolas Rees Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 310541230
Johann Engrand Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 306650250
Vincent Chardome Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 306500300
Archibald Lefevre Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 301848950
Kevin Dorothé Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 272611820
Julien Niceron Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 266877210
Baptiste Serais Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 256700290
Jerome Jeanjean Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 255568280
Aurélien Pavec Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 233327180
Alfred Adamsky Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 214065600
Philippe Lejoseph Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 212250250
Jean-baptiste Briet Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 189130880
Cédric Messier Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 182400120
Matheo Gohier Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 159736110
Philippe Diouron Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 139250150
Ludovic Houttemane Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 134632190
Rémy De saint girons Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 130586180
Vincent Stevens Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 130086040
Christophe Mahieux Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 129723240
Norman Ledigabel Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 129515490
Alain Boulieu Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 127133440
Chantal Diouron Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 125700020
Paul Baffault Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 124105310
Morgan Roger Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 119637460
Loïc G. Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 109901410
Laurence Boulieu Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 104325770
Will Barber Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 102360370
Eric Andries Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 72500100
Lisa Spiller Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 60400240
Sylvain Carré Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 54050070
Michel Rees Theatre of Magic (Midway Manufacturing Company) 39350070
